Wallet-Friendly Wireless

Discover exactly how, when and where to uncover the cheapest cell phone plan.
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Best Cell Phone Plans

If you’re looking for cheap cell phone plans, keep in mind a cheap plan is still a waste of money if it doesn’t perform the functions you need. You need to look at the cheapest but best cell phone plans for your needs. Before you commit to anything there are a few things you should consider.

While sifting through all of the details and fine print on various plans so you can do an informed comparison isn’t the most exciting way to spend your time, it can help save you money and provide greater satisfaction with the service you end up choosing. If it saves you money and/or time and headaches down the road it’s worth it.

Don’t rule out pay as you go or prepaid cell phone plans. There are some great options available in this category that may surprise you. Many of these carriers offer a couple of smartphones and data plan options.

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Cheapest Cell Phones

From the most expensive mobile devices to the cheapest cell phones the range is definitely broad, but here we’ll focus on cheap cell phones.

In 2009, British fashion jewelry designer Goldstriker announced that it had released a $3.2 million iPhone 3GS. According to Goldstriker, the navigation button on the extravagant cell phone was made from a 7.1 carat diamond. It is believed to be the world’s most expensive cell phone ever made and sold. But the cheapest cell phones in the world?

The spartan quality of the HOP1800 does not apply to all of the cheapest cell phones available. For example, the Vodafone 150 is priced at just $15 and it includes some useful features such as a clear monochromatic display, text messaging, phone book, alarm clock, currency converter, two games, and even a built-in flashlight. For just $5 more, the Vodafone 250 has all the features of its cheaper cousin plus a color display, FM radio, an organizer, and sound recorder. Sometimes seeking the cheapest cell phone plan often means committing to one of these clever and inexpensive mobile devices.

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MetroPCS may have started as a small carrier, but they have grown and are now competing with many of the large wireless carriers. MetroPCS cell phone plans are all no contract plans so you can give them a try without risking too much, especially if you can use your own CDMA cell phone. They specialize in unlimited cell phone plans that are all inclusive (text, data and voice), so you don’t have to pick and choose separate voice, messaging and data plans to get the service you need – one plan provides everything. These are pretty cheap cell phone plans if you are looking for unlimited service.

They offer some more advanced headsets than some of the other budget cell phone carriers. These headsets allow you to make better use of their 4G LTE unlimited plans, some of which include Rhapsody Unlimited Music, Video On Demand or GPS navigation.

If you’re looking for family plans for teens who like to text a lot, you can get a $5 discount per line. With these plans you won’t have to worry about overage charges, so they can save you a lot of money in that regard. Just make sure they have good coverage in your area and wherever you need to use the service or the cheap unlimited coverage won’t do you any good.

Read more of MetroPCS